Please ensure you enter your Course Handicap on the card, ideally under “Handicap.” Entering your Course Handicap is a rule, you will be disqualified if it’s not on your card. The Committee would appreciate members also entering your “Playing Handicap” (ie: 95%) in the “Strokes Received” box which will enable you, if you track your stableford points, to accurately compare your stableford points to IG at the end of a round. However, entering your Playing Handicap isn’t a rule and members can’t be disqualified for not entering their Playing Handicap on their card.
Refunds for withdrawals from this competition will not be processed unless the withdrawal is requested prior to your tee time. Any withdrawals should be requested via the Pro Shop. Any withdrawals requested after your scheduled tee time will result in you being deemed to have played in the competition.
Please ensure you enter your score for the competition, even if the round is considered a no return in a medal and place your scorecard in the competition scorecard box.
(95% handicap allowance)
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